Tenchi Muyo! Universe #3 The Devil Within by Ewen "Ryoga" Cluney DISCLAIMER: Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki and the characters, places, etc. therein are trademarks of AIC/Pioneer LDC; this work is not intended to be a challenge to any such ownership, and may be distributed freely, in unmodified form. Author's Note: This story concerns Trakal, the Galaxy Police special operative from Tenchi Muyo! In Love. It takes place on Kazak, the homeworld of the Kizakans and capitol of the Galactic Federation, and occurs about a year before Ryoko's resurrection. Trakal lay in his quarters, thinking. He had been called many things over the course of his career in the Galaxy Police. Skilled, fearless, incredible. Monstrous. They called him the Man Who Would Not Die. He had an intui tive sense for such things, and if he was going to die, he'd know it. Because of that, he didn't fear death. His total lack of fear made him all the more effective at what he did, which was impor tant, since he had one of the most dangerous jobs in the GP. They say Special Section is only a rumor, but Trakal was living proof that Special Section was quite real; what no one realized was that it was a subdivision of the Special Investigation Unit. He reported directly to the High Commander and the Grand Marshall, and his job was to deal with particularly dangerous criminals, and occasionally carry out the sort of missions that the GP wasn't supposed to do. As such, his many missions had violated countless treaties and laws, and even the Galaxy Accords. If he chose to betray his superiors, he could likely bring the entire Galaxy Police down. But he wouldn't; the first and most important qualification for joining Special Section is unswerving loyalty. His train of thought was halted by the intercom beeping. The indicator, which normally gave the ID code of the caller, was blank, meaning he was most likely about to receive orders. Trakal stood up. "Onscreen. Access code, 'open sesame.'" A holomonitor appeared; on it was the face of the Grand Marshall. "Sir." Trakal said stiffly. "Shadow," said the Marshall, referring to Trakal by his codename, "your orders are as follows: Take a patrol shuttle to Kazak. The Teardrop Killer is believed to be active in the capi- tol. Apprehend if possible. Understood?" Trakal nodded. "Understood." The monitor switched off. Trakal accessed his implanted computer, and brought up the file on the Teardrop Killer. Very little was known about this homicidal maniac. Age, sex, species, origin, all unknown. The Teardrop Killer had murdered over a hundred different people, including a few members of the Galactic Senate. The only clue, tears mixed with blood at the crime scenes. The Teardrop Killer had killed on dozens of worlds before, though never in the core worlds until now. It seemed improbably that such a thing could happen, but evidently not only had it happened, but it was enough of a problem for the Special Investi- gation Unit to be called into action to deal with the situation. Trakal gathered his gear together, and departed. Kazak was a shimmering blue-green sphere in space. Despite having a population of over seven billion, it was one of the cleanest worlds in the galaxy. Trakal's shuttle glided into the dock of one of the many space stations that orbited the planet. As the final docking procedures were underway, he prepared his disguise, transforming himself into a young Kizakan GP officer. Once all of the docking clamps were in place and so on, Trakal proceeded into the station. Just as he stepped out of the shuttle and into the loading bay, a tech approached. "Welcome, detective." said the tech, without looking up from his computer pad. "May I see you ID card please?" Trakal handed him the false ID card. "Thank you." said the tech as he inserted the card. The pad made a beeping noise, and he returned the card. "That's that. Enjoy your stay." Trakal nodded. "Thank you." The Draalthi in Kizakan clothing proceeded into the main section of the station. The countless people there ignored him. Or, failing that, pretended to. Trakal was good at blending in with a crowd, a skill that had proved invaluable in his line of work. He took a transat shuttle downside, and in a matter of house, was on the streets of the capitol city of Kura. In this city was the Galactic Senate and the Galactic Council, the very heart of the single largest political entity ever conceived. And it was on these streets that a killer walked. Trakal accessed his internal computer as he wandered, and established a link with the satellite network. He very quickly found what he was looking for -- police reports. Crimes were few today, despite the size of the city, and it was easy to find the reports he was looking for. The Teardrop Killer had slain three people, all in the vicinity of the Senate building. While most planets maintain their own police forces for everyday law enforcement matters, Kazak was the capitol of the Galactic Federation, and as such its rare crimes were dealt with by a small force of Galaxy Police, most often rookies. Trakal, in the guise of a middle-ages civilian Kotami, walked up to the scene of the most recent example of the Teardrop Killer's handiwork. It was a real mess. A Kizakan child lay on the pavement, horribly mutilated. It was as though something had torn her torso apart from the front, scattering blood and en- trails across the sidewalk. The girl's dead eyes looked up at the sky in terror. He watched the proceedings with grim fascination. The offi- cers present, including a coroner from Medical Division, went about the sad business in silence. He could tell that all con- cerned were about ready to lose their lunch. The only sound was one of sobbing. Looking for its source, Trakal saw a Kizakan woman, in civilian dress, on her knees crying. As he looked more carefully, he saw that the young corpse bore a significant resemblance to the woman, who was probably the child's mother or other close relative. She looked up at him, tears streaming down her face, and then flung herself at Trakal, wrapping her arms around him. "It was horrible!" she wailed, "She was so young!" Although he was far from the most caring person in the universe, he patted her on the back. After all, she appeared to be the only witness to the murder. "I know." he growled. "Who would do such a thing?" "I-I don't know." she murmured. "Katami just... just wanted to see the capitol! Why!? Why her?" They remained in the same pose for a while, until finally she looked up at him, and backed away a little. "I'm sorry," she managed "I-I don't even know you..." He rested his hands on her shoulders. "It's allright. You've suffered a great loss." He glanced backwards. "Who was she?" The woman force back tears. "Katami," she whispered. "my little girl... my daughter." She closed her eyes. "What am I going to do?" "I don't know," he said slowly, "but I'd like to do whatever I can to help." She managed a weak smile. "Thank you." The woman's sky-blue eyes shimmered. "I'm Kitashi... may I ask your name?" "Tenku." he said evenly; it was his cover name for this disguise, just as the Kizakan officer was called Iseten. Using his internal computer, he took a few audio-visual scans of her for later use. Kitashi explained that they had come on a short vacation here, to see tourist spots and such. She explained that she had a hotel room in a hotel of average size (for Kura, at any rate), and took Trakal there. When he asked her for the particulars of the incident, she became agitated. As it turned out, she didn't know; the attack had occurred with blinding speed and incredible ferocity. "Do you think they'll come after me?" she asked, ears twitching nervously every so often. "I don't know." he replied. "There's no way to tell with a murderer. Some are random, some are calculating fiends." "But here, on Kazak?" He had to be careful; one wrong move would sent her into tears again. "This planet isn't as secure as the government wants people to think." "Then what can we do?" Trakal accessed his internal computer. "I don't know." He contacted the satellite network, and brought up her file. "I can stay here if it would make you feel more safe." She nodded. "Please do." As the evening progressed, he sifted through her file. Kitashi was born on Taraga VI, daughter of a pair of retired spacers. After completing college, she got a job as an environ- mental systems consultant, a job which required a great deal of travel. Somehow, she found the time to have a child (the file didn't make any mention of a father). The company's database yielded a psychological profile, which essentially said that she was stable, but could be pushed over the edge all too easily -- he'd have to watch that, espe- cially under the current circumstances. Furthermore, she was overly trusting, something that he'd already experienced first- hand; he had expected to have to do a lot of investigating, persuading, and so on, but instead the key witness had thrown herself at him. While he did this, he was watching vids with Kitashi. When he finished, she was fast asleep next to him. Trakal carefully picked her up and lay her down on the bed, spreading the covers over her. That done, he went back to his computer. The police had already filed the appropriate reports as to the results of their investigations. The other two murders today were even more mysterious; a Thurnian and a Valturis were simi- larly mutilated. In both cases there were no witnesses. That left Trakal with only one lead for now, who was fast asleep. As such, his priority, for now, was to ensure her safety, in case her fears about the killer coming after her were justi- fied. He thought back to the little girl, and tried to think of what weapon might have been used. It had looked like a mix of tearing and cutting. A living creature capable of doing that, especially with that speed, would have to be incredibly strong and equally fast for its size. Also, there were very few weapons that could've been used. Kinetic pulse blasters were unlikely, since they usually were considerably slower than that, and since Kitashi could still hear, sonic weaponry was a very remote possi- bility. Which left the one thing he had been hoping he wouldn't have to deal with; Strange Powers. In all likelihood, Trakal was dealing with something that had some sort of kinetic manipulation or similar power. That meant he could easily have one hell of a fight on his hands. Trakal stood up, and walked over to the window. Outside was the vast city. He could see the lights of the tall buildings, the aircraft that rose, circled, or landed, and the occasional ground vehicle or train. The fur on the back of his neck tingled. Spinning around, Trakal was slammed into by something. The glass behind him shat- tered, and an instant later, he was falling towards the ground. Fortunately, as was normally the case, Trakal was wearing his espionage battlesuit. He spun in the air until he was up- right, and kicked in the antigravity system. He landed neatly on his feet, jumped back, and scanned the area in several different optics modes; nothing. "Damn." he growled. Out of nowhere, something struck him in the side. Trakal rolled, and came back up. It was quickly becoming apparent that whatever he was dealing with, it was either invisible, or had no physical form. "I won't go down that easily." he muttered, taking a step back. Trakal waited. And waited. But nothing happened. Kitashi woke up to see the Kotami sitting there, where he'd been the night before. She sat up. "Tenku? Did you stay up all night?" Trakal nodded. "I had little choice." She gasped. "You mean..." He stood up. "The Teardrop Killer came here. It came after me." he said slowly. Her jaw dropped. "Were you hurt?" He shook his head. "Tell me something, Kitashi, have you ever been to Torant II?" She looked confused. "Well, yes, about a year ago, but..." Trakal smiled; the last piece of the puzzle. "Wha... what...?" He looked at Kitashi; she was cowering now. "I know what the Teardrop Killer is now." She was dumbfounded. "I did some checking. You were present in the vicinity of every murder the Teardrop Killer has ever committed." he contin- ued. "Given the nature of the murders and other factors, that leaves only one explanation; you are a wild esper, a psychic, and the Teardrop Killer lives inside your mind." "N-no... i-it can't be..." she stammered. "My mission is to apprehend the killer." Trakal pulled off the mask, revealing his own features. "NO!" she screamed. Every window in the room shattered, and all the small objects in the room began to levitate and circle. Trakal set his battlesuit's hand blaster to anti-heat, and fired, only to have his arm knocked out of the way, probably by psychokinesis. A number of blasts struck the walls, peppering the white surface with ice crystals. He jumped and weaved, as the levitating objects began to whirl faster and faster, and suddenly he seemed to slam into a wall that wasn't there. Reeling, he felt is body being wrenched in every direction at once. This must've been how the other victims died, torn apart like so much paper. But Trakal would not die from this. Straining every muscle in his body, to say nothing of the battlesuit's systems, he raised his hand, and fired. In a matter of seconds, Kitashi encased in ice. The forces tearing at him stopped, and the floating objects fell from mid-air. It was over. "Report." said the Marshall stiffly. "The Teardrop Killer was actually a manifestation of the powers of a very potent wild esper, a Kizakan woman named Kitashi Atsuno. I have apprehended her, and she is currently in stasis at GP station two." The Marshall nodded slowly. "Anything to add?" "She is to be considered highly unstable and potentially dangerous, especially since her powers killed her own daughter." "I see. Any personal observations?" Trakal shook his head. "No." The Marshall reached for his console. "Are you made of stone?" Trakal gave a sarcastic smile. "I do my job." ------------------------------------------------------------------ by Ewen "Ryoga" Cluney (ryoga_hibiki@hotmail.com) Tenchi Muyo! Universe Home Page: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/6127/tenchi.html Beware of pandas carrying signs. ------------------------------------------------------------------